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Can asbestos be found in drywall?

In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Can asbestos be found in drywall?
Top Answer (64% of 14 votes): In some cases.

Answer: In some cases
Explanation: In drywall used in boiler rooms or other areas that need a high fire rating, asbestos can be found. Most commonly this occurs in older buildings. Asbestos can also be found (rarely) in other drywall. You can never rule it out.
EOCT of Michigan
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: I have not seen it in drywall. But, asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber. It could get mixed into drywall as part of the Gypsum. There are often traces of asbestos in plaster.
Quality Environmental
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It will depend on the time of installation of the drywall. It could be in the drywall system, not necessarily the drywall itself. Mud can contain asbestos, for instance.
National Demolition & Environmental, Inc.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Not in newer gypsum base drywall.
Brewer Contract Consulting
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