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Can I paint over mold?

In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Can I paint over mold?
Top Answer (80% of 250 votes): Never.

Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold is a living organism and even painting over it won’t stop it from growing
Answer: Never
Explanation: No you style never paint over mold it will only continue grow and appear through the paint.
Megga painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Painting over mold is never a solution to remediation. Mold will only grow back and with most water based paints can actually feed the mold as it is a living organism that requires moisture, water to thrive
Answer: Never
Explanation: No you need to kill and remove the mold first then prime it with mold killing primer
S & L Paint Professionals
Answer: Always
Explanation: You must treat the mold first. Then use a primer for mold and mildew. Then paint.
Greg Griffin Painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: This can only be done using a mold killer paint or primer.
Surface Pros Staining and Coating
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Must use proper paint
Circle city painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: It's biological and will fall off its host paint will not stay in place from lost mold
Paint choice llc
Answer: Never
Explanation: all paintable surfaces must be clean dry or you will not get proper adhesion
N&G Painting llc
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: If you get water/ mold treatment
RT painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: You should treat the mold
K&M Enterprise
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Mold mitigation depends on many factors. In most cases we hire a mold mitigation specialist to consult with.
Answer: Never
Explanation: Painting over mold and mildew doesn't kill it, just covers it for a little while, usually just before it returns with a vengeance!
Clark's Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold needs to be killed and cleaned up in most cases power wash and use bleach water. Let dry then paint.
4M Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold needs to be mitigated or it continues to grow and cause damage
Grand View Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Remove mold first.
Vico Home Inspection
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: But the area must be treated first with a mold killer and than primed with stain killing primer
Glatfelter Property Services
Answer: Always
Explanation: If you don't care to use mold killer first
AK Reliable Construction Company inc.
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold must be treated by a professional.
Design Refresh Stage, LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: have to prime first
zavala painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: It is important to remove the mold as much as possible and prep as it gives the mold resistant paint/primer a fighting chance to do its job adequately. Ultimately leaving a better quality and durable paint job. If these measures are not taken, the paint application will fail sooner than later
New Image Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Never paint over mold it would just continue to grow and rot the surface below with an old must be removed
efficiency resolutions
Answer: Never
Explanation: Most paint waterbased feeds the mold
Margate mold removal inc
Answer: Always
Explanation: Yes you can paint over it, however the mold will typically eat through the paint and return.
Stabilize, Inc.
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold cannot be painted over
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: No, you should remove the mold if possible, if its not possible then there is prducts you can buy to treat the mold..
Wunderlin Painting LLC.
Answer: Never
Explanation: You need to clean the mold with a TSP and bleach solution and then prime with a mold killing and mold prohibiting primer. The bleach usually kills all the mold in a few days.
Paint Works of Texas
Answer: Never
Explanation: You must clean the mold before you paint over it. If there is a moisture problem it will just bleed through again. Even whe using paints that claim they lock the moisture in it can still bleeed through
Honest Home Inspections & Milwaukee Mold Inspector
Answer: Never
Explanation: Never mold needs to be removed prior to painting.
Action Painting and Handyman
Answer: Never
Explanation: It is ideal to remove mold damaged drywall, however if mold is minor, can be cleaned before priming and painting.
Down Under Faux
Answer: Never
Explanation: Don't do it. Mold will bleed through. Deal with mold before painting.
Misija construction
Answer: Never
Explanation: never mold is a live organism. you should hire someone to remove it and prime the area and painted your self. If you want to do it your self, it might be changing and your insurance might go up if they know.
Avanti Painting Inc.
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: But I wouldn't recommend it. Mold is caused by moisture which can become deadly if left untreated. If moisture is removed and mold dried out completely you can use killz which is specific for mold. Then it may be safe to paint over it
Exact painting LLC,
Answer: Never
Explanation: You should clean surface of all mold, dirt, and grime before paint.
Henson Coatings and Construction
Answer: Never
Explanation: It is till there.... you have to reove source of problem and mold.
North State Inspections
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: If it is only on the paint side you can clean it, killz paint it, prime it, and paint it.
ATX Residential Construction
Answer: Never
Explanation: It will bleed through and will not look good.
Royalty Home Solutions, Inc
Answer: Never
Explanation: You should remove mold with a mild bleach solution.Mold is very resilient and will return,the mold may cause the paint to peel.
All Pro Brush Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Always, Always clean the surface of mold with bleach or find the source of the mold and replace the wall board.
Patric's custom painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Depends on type of mold. We clean and kill the mold first.
popes painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It is always best to remove areas that have mold. However if it is just a small area of tiny blck dots (surface mold) use bleach to clean and use a stain blocking primer (shellac based is strongest)
American Patch and Paint Co.
Answer: Never
Explanation: It will,grow back
Bogue Art Studios
Answer: Always
Explanation: Yes, you can paint over mold, but its not a good idea, it will not stick, it will fall off. It has to be scrapped or replaced most likly the wood is bad.
Enchanted Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Paint doesnt kill the mold, the mold has to be removed.
Whitt Homes and Improvements Inc
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold and mildew should always be either bleached/killed or removed/cut out.
BK Design Associates
Answer: Never
Explanation: Always use a bleach and mildew mix. Never just bleach.
Scott's Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: No. Depending on the material affected by the mold it should either be removed or cleaned prior to painting.
Blue Sky Inspection
Answer: Never
Explanation: Never paint over mold as it will just keep growing. Just like rust you must remove it in order to stop it.
Colorado Concrete
Answer: Never
Explanation: You can not paint over mold because it will be easily fade if you paint over it.
Answer: Never
Explanation: Paint will not kill mold or prevent it from spreading. The proper procedure would be to remove or replace the affected material and if that is not possible, then clean and sanitize the area. After cleaning, dry the area and then apply an anti-microbial encapsulant if there are areas that could not be cleaned, mold staining exists or there is a chance that the area will be exposed to moisture again in the future.
NTX Enviro
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: I wouldnt recomend it.
Anthony Shelton Painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Certain types of mold should always be removed but in some mild cases, there are special primers (KILLZ in particular) that can cover and treat mold before painting.
Johnnyfin Paints
Answer: Never
Explanation: You cannot paint over mold. You must first clean the area with mold eliminator or the mold will stop adhesion of the paint & bleed through.
Cantu's Painting Service
Answer: Never
Explanation: Always use proper procedures when dealing with mold. Mold killer scrsp and or bleach water
A&B Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold should be brought to the attention to the customer if it is more than what bleach could handle.
DelFavero Decorating Service LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Always clean and prime over.
Chris Finstad Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold must be removed, remediated professionally, primed and then painted.
Pro Painting & Design
Answer: Never
Explanation: The mold should be cleaned up first.
Painter's Touch
Answer: Never
Explanation: first treat mold with mild bleach olution or some of the great products available today
Answer: Never
Explanation: Can you paint over a flower?
House and Home Inspection Services
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Mold killing primer
K&C Painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: it needs to be treated prior to the proper coating
Mid America Property Service
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: If u wash it and kill it and use mmr
jh cleaning
Answer: Always
Explanation: You can paint over it. However, the paint will start to bubble and peal off.
Total Check-Up Inspections
Answer: Never
Explanation: It is recommended to remove mold or hire a professional mold remover company
Pro Brush Painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Needs to be removed and primed
East coast agencies llc
Answer: Never
Explanation: if it not a mold encapsulant then no. Mold should always be removed before you paint or cleaned and a Mold Resistant Paint Used.
Abatement Resource Incorporated
Answer: Never
Explanation: You will trap mold underneath the paint. Not recommended.
Answer: Never
Explanation: Mold with grow through the porous molecules of the paint. All mold must be removed properly prior to applying the primer or paint.
Your buddy at the beach LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Not without removing it first
B&JS painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: If you paint over mold, odds are the mold will bleed through and increase.
Relux Construction LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Painting over mold does not solve the problem or remove the hazard.
Rightway Residential Home Inspections
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It is recommended to replace molded material when it is possible,but if you can't replace, you will have to paint with a mold and fungicide primer.
Crafty Carpenter
Answer: Never
Explanation: You have to get rid of the mold before painting anything. Bleach water will usually get rid of it.
R&L Quality Painting
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Killz is a great product for this issue....washing with bleach before painting is a must.
Seamingly Straight Inc
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