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What is your opinion of the National Association of Mold Remediators and Inspectors (NAMRI)?

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Question: What is your opinion of the National Association of Mold Remediators and Inspectors (NAMRI)?
Top Answer (48% of 60 votes): Favorable.

Answer: Favorable
Explanation: ZeroMold follows NAMRI protocols and recommendations to ensure all health and safety measures are maintained during the course of remediation treatments
Answer: Negative
Explanation: This organization is very superficial in terms of education and certification requirements.
Stabilize, Inc.
Answer: No opinion/Never heard of them
Explanation: There are several industry affiliations regarding mold. None of them are regulatory in nature. You pay your dues and maintain a membership. They do not certify any level of expertise.
Quality Environmental
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Was a member.
Worsley Inspections LLC
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: This organization has a good reputation and is responsible for the certification of many professionals.
Blue Sky Inspection
Answer: Neutral
Explanation: I've not had any occasion to be exposed to that organization so I have no opinion.
Contractors Corp.
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Professional Organizations provide a platform for education and continuing education as well as networking with other professionals. No one knows everything and we don't live in a vacuum. I'm always eager to learn more about my profession and about how other professions can assist with what SafeHouse Solutions has to offer. We are also the "go to Professional" contacted by other Remediation and Restoration services for Mold Testing, Consulting and Expert Testimony.
SafeHouse Solutions, LLC
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Good to have associations to help contractors
Mid America Property Service
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: They teach u alot
jh cleaning
Answer: No opinion/Never heard of them
Explanation: don't know them
Artios Painting 309 788 9432
Answer: No opinion/Never heard of them
Explanation: I never heard of them. I'm a licensed mold remidiation contractor in Texas. Some states have there own training, licensing requirements.
JCs Environmental Technologies
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: another great organization
JKM Home Inspections
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Proud member
Higher Standards Property Solutions LLC
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